This Division is responsible for providing essential services to the other four Divisions to support the successful execution of the core Treasury functions of the Department. This Division has responsibility for strategic planning and performance management, risk management, human resources to include the development of policies and procedures to guide management and staff, to facilitate organizational development including the review and redesign of business processes and for capacity building, staff training and development. The Division is also responsible for facilities and procurement management, providing customers and stakeholders with high-quality information and service and managing the finances of the Department.

Communications and Customer Relations Unit
The Communications and Customer Relations Unit ensures that the information and related needs of the Treasury’s customers and other stakeholders are met or exceeded; coordinating and managing relationships with AGD’s customers and other stakeholders. The Unit maintains a consistent interface between the Treasury and stakeholders for both policy and operations. The unit builds and maintains an image and public consciousness of the AGD, elevates customer service consciousness in the Department’s organization culture, and develops, establishes and monitors customer service standards.

Finance and Accounting Unit
The Finance and Accounts Unit is responsible for the payments and dispatch of all expenditure incurred for the Department. As such, the Unit takes care of coordinating the budget for all units within the Department as well as preparing the monthly cash flow
In executing the tasks, the unit prepares monthly financial statements which encompasses: Trial Balances, Receipts and Payments, Bank Reconciliations, Expenditure Statements, List of Advances and Preparation of Annual Appropriation A/Cs with explanations.

Human Resource Management & Development Unit
This unit is responsible for the movement of personnel, into, through and out of the Department, that is, from recruitment to retirement. It plays an integral role in an officer’s employment transition, which includes training, promotion, and career development. The Department is responsible for developing medium and long term training plans for the Department by utilizing knowledge of specified training needs and effectiveness of such methods as individual training, group instructions, lectures, demonstrations, conferences, meetings and workshops.

Facilities Management Unit
This unit manages the needs of both internal and external customers. The unit provides support and information critical for the execution of assigned/prescribed responsibilities that will enhance Accountant General’s Department service delivery. This is achieved by: ensuring the Departments operations are conducted in a clean, safe comfortable and conducive environment; implementing an inventory control system for all government -owned furniture, equipment, machinery and tools; ensuring all assets are adequately insured and accounted for; developing and optimizing the utilization or resources towards the achievement of a client-focused and result oriented unit.

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Unit
The ERM Unit is responsible for aiding in the identification, evaluation, and analysing of risks inherent in the operations of the Accountant General’s Department; and participating in formulating, implementing, administering, and evaluating risk management strategies to efficiently and cost-effectively manage those risks. The Unit also assists Management to make good management decisions within an environment of tolerable, strategic and business risk limits and to culture an environment where staff understand and assume responsibility for managing the risks for which they are responsible and the controls to mitigate those risks.