What We Do
The Accountant General’s Department (AGD) is an operational Department within the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service and is charged with facilitating and reporting of the flow of funds in and out of the consolidated fund.
The Accountant General’s Department has responsibility for the management and custodianship of the Consolidated Fund, which is the Principal instrument of Parliamentary Control of Public Monies.
The Department is required to administer the payment of salaries to employees of thirteen (13) Ministries and Departments; and the payment of pensions and gratuities to former employees of the Government of Jamaica and their dependents.
The Department also has responsibility for the management of the funds held in Treasury Deposits consisting of amounts deposited in respect of any special funds established by law or any other deposits to be applied for special purposes.
The Accountant General’s Department (AGD)

Our Mission: Effective management
“To effectively manage the Government’s Treasury and provide quality service in respect of salaries, loans and other facilities...”
Our Vision: A prudent treasury
“A prudent Treasury, providing exemplary service, driven by committed staff and
appropriate technology”
Our Quality Policy Stakeholder commitment
“F.O.C.U.S: Focused on Continuous improvement and the Ultimate Satisfaction of our customers”
Our Values Treasured values
“Respect: we value the dignity, talent and diverse perspectives and abilities of all our stakeholders.
Adaptability: we are a dynamic and flexible team able to effectively respond to unexpected changes to business and environmental factors.
Professionalism: we are committed to working efficiently and effectively to deliver quality service to our clients and stakeholders.
Integrity: we reflect the highest ethical standards of honesty, trustworthiness and dependability.
Transparency: we are open and committed to information sharing and collaboration.”
Our Mission is Achieved by:
Managing the Consolidated Fund to enable funding of Government’s expenditure programmes
Maintaining accurate records and reporting on the public debt to ensure the meeting of obligations on a timely basis
Controlling and maintaining Government holdings so as to maximize revenue and the value accruing to Government
Investing and managing the Treasury Deposits, as well as funds held for the Executive Agencies, so as to maximize returns to clients
Producing and dispatching accurate and timely financial statements in accordance with statues and management policy
Processing and dispatching pensions, salaries and loan proceeds in an efficient and timely manner to the satisfaction of our clients
Our Main Roles and Functions
Management of Treasury Deposits.
Provision of advice and technical support to the Financial Secretary and the Minister of Finance.
Ensures the effective administration of expenditure in respect of those services which by law are directly charged from the Consolidated Fund (Statutory Expenditure).
Collection of certain revenues as a Principal receiver of revenue, having been so appointed by the Minister of Finance under section 16 of the Financial Administration and Audit Act.
Represents the Government as shareholder in companies in which the Government holds shares. These shares are issued in the name of the Accountant General under the Crown Properties (vesting) Act.
Payroll administration for approximately Forty Thousand Government Pensioners and Seventeen Ministries and Departments.
Management of the Centralized Treasury, whereby all payments to all suppliers for goods and services are executed on behalf of the ministries, departments and agencies.
Responsibility for the management and custodianship of the Consolidated Fund which is the principal instrument of parliamentary control of public monies. This includes (but not limited to) the responsibility for the collection, safekeeping and proper disbursements of all monies due to and payable from the Consolidated Fund.
Development, implementation and constant revision of the management and accounting of the public debt in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance
Responsibility for the custodianship of all Government properties excluding lands under the Crown Properties (vesting) Act. The Accountant General can dispose of these properties only under the written authority of the Minister of Finance.
Ensures that Government debts are serviced in a timely manner.
Disbursements from and management of loans and advances to Government employees.
Provision of reports on the inflows and outflows to the Consolidated Fund, government shareholdings, treasury balances, debt servicing, loan portfolio balances,statutory and voted provisions.